Cyber Policy

Introducing the RLI Privacy Protection Package

Protexure Insurance Agency Inc. has partnered with RLI Insurance Company to provide accountants and lawyers with the RLI Privacy Protection Package. 

Did you know that all states have data breach notification laws? Do you have the right coverage to withstand a data or security breach? General and professional liability policies may not provide sufficient coverage for these technology-related exposures. The RLI Privacy Protection Package is a robust policy that protects accounting and law firms from liability and expenses caused by a data or security breach.


Policy Highlights Include:

Forensic expenses coverage

Credit monitoring coverage

Notification expenses coverage

Regulatory action coverage

Public relations expenses coverage

Personal injury coverage for a privacy breach


 No Company Is Immune To The Risk

Accounting Firm: An email with a virus was specifically sent to an accounting firm. When an individual opened the email, the virus corrupted all files on the computer and network. As a result, the firm incurred considerable costs to repair and restore the files. An office laptop was stolen which contained personal information of clients. The stolen information included names, social security numbers, and account numbers. The accounting firm incurred notification costs, credit monitoring expenses, and public relations expenses. A hacker gained access to an accounting firm’s network and stole personal information of clients. The clients sued the firm for improper handling of their personal information.  As a result, the firm incurred substantial defense costs and damages.

Law Firm: An email with a virus was specifically sent to an attorney. When the attorney opened the email, the virus corrupted all files on the computer and network. As a result, the attorney incurred considerable costs to repair and restore the files. An office laptop was stolen which contained personal information gathered during legal representation of clients. The stolen information included names, social security numbers, health information, and account numbers. The law firm incurred notification costs, credit monitoring expenses, and public relations expenses.
A hacker gained access to a law firm’s network and stole personal information of clients. The clients sued the law
firm for improper handling of their personal information. As a result, the law firm incurred substantial defense costs
and damages.

To Receive A Lawyers Quote   

    Please return the completed forms to

To Receive An Accountants Quote

               Please return the completed forms to 

Professional Liability Insurance Made Easy


4200 Commerce Court, Suite 102
Lisle, IL 60532-4557





Toll Free

Lawyers: 877-569-4111

Accountants: 888-803-9898


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